Number 3
There it was, 2 lines, the test line was more faint that the 2nd line, very faint in fact, but as we all know, there… Read More »Number 3
There it was, 2 lines, the test line was more faint that the 2nd line, very faint in fact, but as we all know, there… Read More »Number 3
It was 1am on a friday night, I entered our bedroom quietly to not wake up our sleeping 13month old baby E
– Hello microplastics in the ocean. –
Back then in my mid 20s after I got married, and had a household of my own, albeit it being only me and hubs, I started to become mindful of the amount of household waste we threw out.
It started when I was 16 years old, the intense headache that would lead to me eventually purging or throwing up, and unable to function, and then it got worse over the years.
Since our first kid was born we have been bringing a family backpack out with us whenever we leave the house. Over the years, the content of the bag have changed as we had another 2 more kids. Kids are now 5, 3 and 1 years old respectively, and below are what we currently bring in the bag when we go out.
Did you know if you had a certain interest and wanted more information on it , one easy way to is to seek out and… Read More »3 interesting Facebook Group finds
Being a first time mum in 2016, I found establishing breastfeeding the most difficult with my first baby. As I knew I wanted to breastfeed back when I was pregnant with my first, before he was born I listened to and read up many breastfeeding advise and tips from others /articles/ online blogs etc. Although I appreciate most of the advise given, not everything I read or heard about breastfeeding were accurate and some I disagreed with, at least from my personal experience.
Item 1 and 2 is free, plus keeps your kids entertained while improving their fine motor skills.
Writing is an outlet for me, a new hobby that I recently started after tinkling with the idea for a while. These ‘pages’ will be a form of expression for me, to pen down on digital paper my thoughts and life lessons.