It was 1am on a Friday night, I entered our bedroom quietly to not wake up our sleeping 13month old baby E. I then entered our attached bathroom to get something. As I turned around to go out, there it was, antenna twitching, smell permeating the space around me, a big black cockroach staring back at me from just below the door of the bathroom. I didn’t want to go near it as much as it didn’t want to come near me, but I needed to get out, but the risk of it crawling over my feet if I crossed his path terrified me. I couldn’t wack it also as I didn’t want to wake baby up. Besides I am afraid of these creatures and any attempt by me to kill it will be very dramatic (probably will involve me wacking it multiple times with a shampoo bottle while screaming). I needed a solution to get out of this ‘quietly’, think think think… ready…
I high jumped over it from where I stood in the bathroom and landed out onto the bathroom mat outside the door of the bathroom. Success i thought, as I held on to the wall as I landed to prevent slipping on the mat. It was quiet, baby was still asleep, and I’ve escaped. I proceeded to call my hubs (who was still awake on his PC outside) on my mobile phone and whispered through the phone ‘There’s a cockroach in our baaathrooomm’. He came in like a ninja, went into the bathroom, closed the door, followed by muffled sounds of a scuffled battle, silence, and then he came out, looked at me defeatedly and shook his head. The cockroach got away.
Next time cockroach, we will get you.