Feeling The Pressure to Preserve My Body and Mind For the Long Run
No more YOLO, I got to take care of myself.
No more YOLO, I got to take care of myself.
Netflix and chilling at home may be just as rewarding as an expensive dinner in a high-end restaurant.
These are dark times for any woman, here’s my personal story as I still grieve my loss.
Amidst the celebrations, it is alright to allow yourself to grieve.
It takes two to make a relationship work, I thought as I stared at our butter.
The obvious acne patch on her face revealed to me that she had a mental attitude that was uncommon for young girls her age.
Perspectives and anxiety had been cycling through my head throughout the day, weighing down on me.
There is no pause button for life, so how do we do it right?
Anxiety comes in many forms, sometimes even in the form of being ‘normal’.
And your dining experience goes downhill after those last few bites.