Would You Be Able To Afford To Quit Your Job And Be A Homemaker?
A question that made me pause and rethink my direction in life.
A question that made me pause and rethink my direction in life.
Let’s remove the bad reputation from the pursuit of money and look at it as a practical tool.
It may be a stronger sign of marital unity than your wedding bands.
The steps we took to pay it off fast, and the reasons why we choose to pay off the mortgage instead of investing our money elsewhere.
I was 27 years old, and we thought this was normal. Normal, to have so much debt.
I got a call from my bank a a few days ago informing me that they were having a promotional offer for a zero interest rate credit card, for the first RM24,000 spent on it. Initially, when I heard it was interest free, I stopped my self from saying no. I later changed my mind, here’s the reasons why.
An exercise to discipline yourself to avoid impulse buying. You have more options, when you have more money. That concept itself, should be appealing enough.