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What Is An Ideal Date Night For You?

  • Life

What hits the spot for you when it comes to spending time with your significant other?

A romantic date with all the bells and whistles? Or a dressed-down, casual night at home with good conversation?

Of course, getting dressed for a night out in town and dining in an upper-class restaurant with great food has its place and time. If paired with live music and a view, even better.

But that may not be practical and not affordable for many couples.

Personally for me, going into the city comes with the downside of having to go through traffic jams, crowds and even finding parking can be a nuisance. The heels may start to hurt an hour into your date, and if you eat and drink too much, discomfort can even set in. Possibly, at some point into the night, you may even long to head home for a hot shower and a good snooze.

Eventually, if done too often, these types of experiences can wan off, and its luster is not as shiny as we used to imagine.

So what are the alternatives?

For some couples, eating a bag of chips and having store-bought beers at home while watching a movie can reap the same enjoyment level as a night out in town.

Maybe a hike together, to boost endorphins and gain the benefit of fresh air and exercise may be another good option.

Or for food lovers, you may consider taking a long walk downtown and sampling some of the street foods there and explore the markets along the local food districts, while in your flip-flops and casual wear.

Maybe a home-cooked meal paired with Netflix is more sustainable and just as enjoyable. This is usually the choice for couples who have kids, although movie night can only start after the kids are in bed.

Plus point for most, home dates are certainly always cheaper than a night out.

For married couples, the finances saved also gives off a high as the mental aspect of contributing to the family fund and the future of the kids is usually a shared goal.

Because at the end of the day, it’s not so much what you do, but who you do it with.

Building on a relationship is the aim of a date, and it comes in many forms, some more sustainable than others.

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