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Mercury’s Story

  • Stories

This is a short story about Mercury, the most unfortunate of the lot. Its inner core was not solid-state nor was it molten metallic liquid. No, it was soft and foamy.

What happened to the mercury ball? Did it collided with another planet ? Did a stray asteroid hit it and split it up into huge chunks that are now floating away in space?

The last of the Blue Ribbon (Snack of the week)

  • Food

The taste is rich, and the brownie are found in fudgy like goodness in the ice cream, and the peanut butter , mmmhhmm, slightly sticky but blends well with the smoothness of the ice cream. Delicious.

Ground Hog Day Parenting (The Trial and Error Approach to Disciplining Children)

Parenting young children can appear like the scenes in the Ground Hog Day, where we try out different approach to daily situations and work out what’s the most effective method to parent them. It is such a learning curve to understand our kid’s psychology and why they act in a certain way in response to events and daily situations around them.