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The last of the Blue Ribbon (Snack of the week)

  • Food

New series introduction, called ‘Snack of the Week’, where amateur foodies like me and my husband will share our review and recommendations for a specific type of food or snack of our liking. Sharing will be done via stories of our day to day exploits or a more focused and detailed review on the food of choice . Since this is a first for this series, I will share via a story like format which is easier to write.

It was Thursday , our weekly shopping date night, and it was lock down day 3. With working from home and movement control order reactivated (due to a major surge in new cases during this pandemic) we were cooking our meals at home daily and we needed to stock up on more food (and snacks to stress eat at night) for us and the kids.

Hubs and I rushed to finish work earlier to leave the house by 6pm, to complete our shopping before the shops close at 8pm, follow by dinner in the car and then rush to get the kids home from grandparents (preferably before their bed time at 9pm).

Today, we choose to go to the Aeon Bandaraya (Jusco), and it was not just a random choice, no no, it was very intentional , in fact it was the furthest from our house compared to the nearer supermarkets ie. Tesco (Lotus) Cheng or NSK, but there was something alluring that made us decided to go there , something that we only managed to find only in this Aeon branch…. it was to seek out the Blue Ribbon ice cream.

When we reached the ice cream aisle, we managed to get THE LAST TUB of available Blue Ribbon. Hidden right at the back , amidst its competitors ( other ice cream of similar price point) Bulla. Out of the way Bulla! I tip toed and reached in to get the last tub. Although it was not my first choice of flavor that I wanted, I’ve had the Butter Brickle flavor before and it was good too (for the Butter Brickle flavor, its recommended to eat with Reese peanut butter chips for added boost of tasty).

The last tub, I see yaaa there at the back

I’ll get ya! Butter brickle, tried and tested.

For more information on their variety of flavors you can refer it here , but I’ve personally tried two of their flavors and my recommendation will be to go for their Peanut Butter Brownie flavor, photo below (taken from their website).

The taste is rich, and the brownie bits are found in fudgy like goodness in the ice cream, and the peanut butter, mmm-hmm, slightly sticky but blends well with the smoothness of the ice cream. It has become my favorite peanut butter /choco combo ice cream, ever (till I find another that can top this).

How we found this ice-cream was from a post by a Facebook financial writer blogger Ringgit Oh Ringgit (linked here) when she shared a review of ice cream cost per-100ml-of-ice-cream by Feisal Kamil. Blue Ribbon sits only one level more expensive than Nestle Cremeria in terms of price. So if you are looking for an ice cream brand that is more premium but cost lower than say Haagan Daaz and Kapati ( till this day I can’t bring myself to buy a tub of Haagen), this ice cream may be for you.

Ice cream cost comparison (Thanks RoR!)

Just to give a mention here, typically ice cream packaging is of no particular interest to most but I want to say I support cardboard-packed ice cream more than plastic container packed ice cream. It’s more sustainable and cleaner for the environment to use paper packaging versus plastic, although it could be also that paper/cardboard packed ice creams will generally be pricier but in my position, I will favor the more sustainable packed foods.

So that’s it, if you are in larger cities I believe you have more variety but in smaller ‘towns’ like M_ _ _ _ a, we have to pick and choose but I ain’t complaining.

What’s my favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate mint, and for this flavor there is another ice cream brand that is top in my books, for that I will share in a separate post.

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