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3 Simple Steps To Take To Support a Greener Place to Live

Want to support the environment but unable to commit to going plastic-free? You can still help out by adopting these small simple ways to reduce waste buildup.

  1. Buying Produce in Bulk instead of Single-use packaging

    The concept is to buy in larger volumes instead of single-person portions. This is usually used for food items and groceries, but can also be applied to common home items such as stationery, hair care products, or even refillable liquids like body lotions.

    For example, my kids and I enjoy yogurt for breakfasts, but supermarkets tend to sell yogurt in small cup-size portions of 100 to 150 grams per serving, which will be consumed in one sitting.

    Instead, I will buy yogurt in larger tub sizes, and we use it throughout the week. I would scoop out the portions we need onto our bowls in the mornings and the balance may even stretch out to another week. By doing this, we remove the need for individual portion packaging and avoid throwing away large amounts of these small plastic containers. Over time, it makes a difference.
  2. Use Biodegradable and Reusable Materials
    Avoiding the use of plastics and swapping for paper bags or reusable cloth bags is another way to reduce waste.

    This does not need to apply only to common items like food and beverage packaging, it could mean choosing to use cloth diapers for families with babies or choosing to refill your shampoo at refining station shops that sell cleaning supplies and personal care liquids with the concept of bringing your own containers instead of buying new.

    I was excited last month when I found a place that sold sanitary pads that had introduced the use of biodegradable absorbent sheets on their pads.

    This is relatively new in the industry, and since most women need these items, it could not have been released sooner to help minimize non-organic waste. These biodegradable sanitary pads are from companies such as Sparkle and Enya, do check them out if you are woman in need of these items.

    These are good alternatives to the menstrual cup if you have not yet converted over to those yet. I’m hoping to bring more attention to these brands and to put smore pressure on those bigger brands that have not yet started to develop more environmentally friendly products in their product line.
  3. Bringing Your Homemade Beverages Out

    This will minimize the use of single-use straws and plastic cups quite significantly.
    Another plus point is that it will save you money, instead of buying outside drinks that cost 3 to 4 times the cost of these teas and coffees. You might even find that your own home blend of coffee tastes better than those bought at restaurants.
    This applies to families with kids too, as I carry a cold thermos of orange juices and green teas to share when we are on family outings, thus avoiding them asking for sugary soft drinks at convenience stores.

    These are my three small tips on how to cut down on waste, it may take a while to get used to in the initial phase but it will reward both yourself and the places you live in for future generations.

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